Apurun Offers Comprehensive Technology Platform for Manufacturing of Nanoparticle Pharmaceuticals and Nanomedicines
Fully Automated Liposomes and Lipid Extrusion Solutions for Nanoparticle Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing and Preparations
Fully Automated
Controlled Flow Rate
Controlled Passes
Controlled Temperature
No Contamination
The NanoSizer Pro Lab: Solvent Injection provides high precision and efficiency for solvent-based nanoparticle formulations, ensuring consistent and reliable performance.
High Precision
Consistent Performance
The NanoSizer Pro GMP: Solvent Injection offers scalable and compliant solutions for GMP manufacturing of nanoparticle formulations.
GMP Compliant
Reliable Performance
Customizable and Tunable
Fully Automated with AI Capacities
At Apurun, we provide end-to-end, scalable, and customizable manufacturing platforms tailored to meet your needs at every stage—from laboratory research and technology transfer to GMP manufacturing of nanoparticle pharmaceuticals. Our solutions are designed to support all phases of development, from preclinical to clinical and commercial applications, ensuring seamless scalability and precision throughout the entire process.
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